Monday, 27 August 2012

Electrical Panels Insulating Mats IS:15652-2006



Insulating Mats for Electrical Purposes are used as Floor covering for the protection & prevention of workers from Electric-Stock while working in Electricity generation, Transmission & its distribution or any other related work on AC and DC installations. Synthetic Insulation Mats or Poly Electro Safe Mats are available both for H.T & LT Voltage Panels with the system voltages up to 66 kV ac and 240V DC Installations.

ELECTRICAL INSULATING MATSInsulating Mats are laid down on floors in & around following area for the safety of worker working on it from Electric Shock.
Electricity Control Panels
High Voltage & Low Voltage Panels
Power Transformers
Energy Sub Stations,
Power Control Rooms,
Labs involved in Electric related Operations.
Electrical Insulation Mats as per BIS Standard 15652-06 are divided in to three classes depending upon Voltage Ratings. The three classes varies in terms of Thickness of Mats, Voltage Grade, Proof Voltage & their break down voltage.

Class Thickness Grade KV Proof voltage B/Down voltage
A 2.0 mm 3.3 10KV/3 minutes 30 KV
B 2.5 mm 11 22KV/3 minutes 45 KV
C 3.0 mm 33 36KV/3 minutes 65 KV

  1. Construction: Made from Highly Electrical resistant Elastomers, free from any insertions. "Elastomer" (a generic term that includes rubbers, Latex and elastomeric compounds that may be natural synthetic or a mixture or a combination of both). High Voltage Resistant Electrical Insulation Matting is made up of 100% virgin compound.
  2. Color: Any colour without metallic derivatives.
  3. Surface:Anti-skid (rough on top & smooth at bottom to avoid slippery effects).
  4. Size: Can be in standard size- 1mtr x 2mtr or in Long rolls form.
  5. Working Temperature Range: -10°C to +60°C.
  6. Marking: Mats should be marked with Class, Lot No. and Manufacturer Identity.
  7. Packing: : Should be packed in Gunny /Jute /Hessian / HDPE bags to avoid any mechanical damage to the mats.

Silent Features of Insulating Mats:-
  •  High Di-Electric Strength up to 65KV.
  • Complies to IS:15652-2006 (latest).
  • Insulation Resistance Up to 1494000 Mega Ohm.
  • Superseding the Rubber mats for Electrical Purposes IS:5424.
  • Resistant to Fire.
  • Hold Excellent Physical Properties so that can withstands movement of instrument involved in Electrical Equipment & Foot Traffic. Resistant to wide range of Acids, Alkali & Oils.
  • Withstands both AC & DC electrical installations.
  • Can be Pasted/Installed on Floor if required, not mandatory. Water & moisture proof.
  • Exhibit good Elongation & Tensile Strength Properties.

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  1. Thank you for you information. The information that is given here is a complete guidance regarding insulated mats to protect operators from electrical shocks.
